Funeral Packages and Pricing
At The Last Hurrah, we strongly believe in offering a transparent, detailed and authentic service, that is highly ethical and flexible. To this end, we offer clear choices and pricing, allowing families to choose the elements that work best for the farewell they want. Our structure includes a basic professional services fee (Elementals) and our additional services are separately priced. We offer a free cardboard coffin with every service. We offer intensive support, compassionate and careful assistance that is respectful of all creeds, cultures and subcultures.
For those experiencing financial difficulties…
We believe everyone deserves an original send-off that reflects their life on this wild planet. If you are in a situation of financial stress, and cannot afford a funeral, please contact us. We are able to assist you through our philanthropic and goodwill service at a very low cost, or sometimes even for free. We can also offer discounts on certain elements if you cannot afford to pay for everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.