Direct Cremation
This is the most cost-effective way of exiting this world in a simple and dignified way. You may choose just this unfussy and easy option, or you might like to add additional elements such as a memorial, vigil, or home funeral.
We offer a cremation only package with a sustainable cardboard coffin, all paperwork and certificates, and compassionate assistance for family members.
$3600.00 (NSW Based Crematorium)
$4000.00 (VIC Based Crematorium)
The direct cremation package includes:
A detailed telephone consultation to arrange things for your person and additional support throughout the entire journey to farewelling your person.
Clear guidance and information about what to do when someone dies
A cardboard coffin
Collection of your person anywhere in Melbourne metro area
Gentle and expert natural mortuary care including washing, dressing and enshrouding/encoffining (If you’re comparing direct cremation providers, it is worth checking to see if they do wash and dress your person; many do not)
All legal and administrative paperwork including medical and death certificates
We donate $100 of our fee to our philanthropic fund for funeral care for artists or children in need
Complimentary offering of native tree planted in honour of your person on a farm in rural Victoria
Cremation. Read our handy blog post about cremation.
Transfer to this crematorium
We collect your person’s cremated remains and return to our office for collection.