Our Values 

The Last Hurrah is a fiercely independent funeral company. We align ourselves to a model of operation based on transparency, flexibility, and integrity. That means we minimise mark-ups on products and services, have a clearly defined and itemised price-list, and offer a reasonable service fee that reflects our deep commitment to a personal, authentic, and tailored experience for our clients.

We named our offering The Last Hurrah because we see funerals and memorials as a last way to show love for the person who has left us; to create a send off that truly befits that person, reflects the most integral parts of their life and soul, and brings together everyone who loved them for a rousing, reflective, authentic, and honest remembering.

The ceremonial farewell, gathering, memorial or party is the very last thing we can do for someone we love. It also offers an opportunity for the grieving to have a place to mourn in the company of others who are sharing the deep sorrow and sense of loss. By joining together in something safe and true, we can start to come to terms with what has happened, and begin that first step in moving into our lives without that someone we loved and lost.


The Last Hurrah Values:

  • Inclusivity for all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, subculture, or creed

  • Fervent support for the LGBTIQA+ and associated communities

  • Understanding that we need to listen to and heed the voices of Black and Indigenous People of Colour in order to help redress the inherent racism in our culture

  • Provide services that are easily accessible for persons with disabilities

  • Freedom for families to choose the way they want to farewell their kith and kin; we serve you

  • Respect for family constellations and a lack of judgement regarding people’s situations and circumstances

  • Transparency with regard to our products, services, pricing, and company structure

  • A gentle and supportive approach to mediating difficult decisions for families and significant others in a compassionate, flexible way that allows each person the space to share what’s on their mind and in their hearts

  • The right for families and friends to take as much or as little control as they feel they need to say goodbye

  • Bringing the dead home for families to spend time with, if that feels right to them